
Drive, Mary

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine | May/June 2023

It is 1992 and you are about to be born.

Baby Sister

Shotgun Honey

Maddie didn’t do it.

No, don’t look at her. Look at me. I did it so you can look at me, Officer.

Dollar Fortune

Tough Magazine

There’s a man here in town called Micah Hollers.

Somewhere, Something, Something

Reckon Review

“Mark went to college,” Caleb said, his face pressed as close to the tank as mine.

The room smelled like salt and algae and burned metal.

Good Harvest

Rock and a Hard Place Magazine​

I feel tired but I do not want to sit down. Sitting down, for some reason, feels like a betrayal. Like I am lazy while she digs a grave.

Guest Blog Post

Ellery Queen Blog: Something Is Going To Happen

It’s interesting the way fiction heals. The way we can fall into a story when we most need it, lose ourselves in it, emerge changed.